I have always felt that if If I remember to do things, it must be really important. But sometime, after juggling a profession, home, hobbies and still remaining sane, I think lists are the perfect companions to the improvements in our life. Their most important use in in saving time and having order in life. When we juggle 3-4 different things and all have almost the same priority, it becomes difficult to remember things. So how do I maintain lists? One. I list things out to do in locations. Two. I list tasks under people. Why? Because it is relevant. Contexts, relevance has been almost shot out of the sky when it comes to todo lists. So I make lists by places or people, whichever would be better for me. This works perfectly. For me. Now. Before I clearly remember that striking things off the list made me feel powerful, so I used to make lists, do all the things in them one by one, and then strike then off. This could be the use of the list. Even now, if I cannot find in...
Shall i call this......the wanderings of a calm mind?