What is money ? what is a company ? we know that money is what drives a company- but what is that intense personal relationship between both of them that binds them together? Lets try and find out.... A company is a realisation and product of a person's thoughts. a kind of mental process being made real.... It is a personification of a persons convictions in his dreams and in his abilities...It is also a kind of means towards a common end...a company becomes the assembly line where the person's dreams are made true. Now, money. Money is that quantity which is a measure of a person's value in society. it is a collective measurement and is not of a particular person's opinion. It has that true and pure nature of the river ganges - it brooks no one person's opinion. it is so pure, because it is a direct reflection of the society's need for the object in question , opinions and discussions be damned. It is true- because it cannot be explained or rebuffed - it simply...
Shall i call this......the wanderings of a calm mind?