This post is in protest of all the people who think programmers are a bunch of idiots.
A computer was invented for the sole reason of eliminating the redundance of human tasks. It is a machine that imitates the human mind and action. In a way, it can be considered to be a mirror of the human mind. Yes i agree that in certain ways, all objects man-made are reflections of the human mind, but only the computer comes close to imitating it in such totality, without complying with the natural laws of nature.
It is a presentation instrument; where thoughts are brought into reality. If a train of thoughts can be traced precisely, outlined concisely. It can be made into a program. It will do only that work, until taught to do something else, but will do it at a fraction of the cost and with near 100% accuracy. Also no allowances, strikes, overtime and productivity issues. Just a little bit of dusting and maintaining the flow of raw materials and electricity.
This means that all, and i mean all, professionals in all fields of mass production are expendable.
So next time, remember, programmers are a serious lot because programming is very, very serious business.
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