Hello people,
It's my 34th birthday today and I wanted to put the past year in review and where I wanted my life to go in the next year.
It's my 34th birthday today and I wanted to put the past year in review and where I wanted my life to go in the next year.
Achievements of this year:
- Machine learning course by Andrew Ng ( completed )
- Calculus I by Robert Ghrist ( completed )
- Calculus II by Robert Ghrist ( completed )
- Probability and Statistics ( 2 weeks left )
- Data science - pandas ( 1 week done )
- My first linear regression program Built a neural network from scratch
- My first Regex. From scratch. No references. With tests.
- Algorithms I by Robert Sedgwick ( only audit )
- Algorithms II by Robert Sedgwick ( only audit )
Also did the BE subjects for CS, all the stuff I had learned over the years.
I am super happy to know that MOOCS help a lot in career advancement.
Self-help books that really helped:
Altogether, a pretty good year, where learning is concerned. Things/Tips that helped me while learning:
- Very accommodating parents and girlfriend.
- Whenever I feel overwhelmed with the amount of unindexed information, I take a mental break for a few days. It helps the brain index things. I believe regular meditation helps this tremendously - I will try this the coming year.
- Take time after every study period to put things in order mentally.
- Write down things. It makes linking things easier and I have a notebook as a quick reference. Don't stick to a certain style of note taking, experiment. It's my notebook.
- Keep going back to my saved videos and notes whenever I felt the subject is slipping away or I just 'don't get it'. In this regard, I think Evernote or one-note is pretty awesome for note taking.
The way forward:
Life can and does happen, and has very little regard for me or my plans. But I have learned this year that if I have a plan, and if life doesn't happen, then I know what to do.
So here's what I want to do in the year 2017:
Long term goals ( to finish in this order ): 4 hours every day.
- finish my 'CS engineering at home' course that I am doing now. Till Feb end
- finish the book " Elements of Statistical Learning ". Till October end
- Finish learning all the statistical packages in Python. Till October end. I'll be doing this in parallel with the statistics book
- Finish the course "probabilistic graphical models" on Coursera. This will stretch into January 2018.
Small things ( 1 hour every day )
- Summarize one research paper a day.
- Do one programming problem a day.
All work and no play make me a dull, Ill boy:
- Exercise every morning. 45 mins a day
- Cook on weekends.
- Read some philosophy. 20 mins every day.
Life goals:
This is the part of my goals that will make me a better and more interesting person. Here goes
- Time management. I am losing up to an hour everyday procrastinating. I need to stop it.
- Learn to ride a motorbike. And car.
- Home management. I am not at all good at it.
- Take 2 week long holidays. See a bit of my beautiful country.
- Wear proper formal clothes when going to work. Enough of college wear.
I will need to structure my days a little. Time management will be a bitch. I get 24-(7+10)=7 hours to myself. So I have to get a lot out of it. After marking times on the list above, I do get half an hour to fool around. Or meditate. Which is supposed to be just as good as taking a vacation. And gives me a boost in IQ.
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